Use case story

Collaborative Editing

Easily exchange and develop new ideas with real-time collaboration on the same diagram in Graphity.


This is Martin. He is the regional sales director of a multinational company. His fellow sales directors live around the world. Part of their strategic planning involves visualizing data.

Martin’s team updates 8 to 10 diagrams every week. Until now, the sales directors would meet online, discuss changes, and one team member would click through and adapt each diagram. This was often confusing and frustrating. And it wasted a lot of time.


After consulting with Rathi, his CTO, Martin decides to use Graphity. It’s on of the world’s first diagram editor with real-time, multi-user collaboration.

With Graphity, everyone is on the same page. Each team member can see what the others are doing – in real time.

saveing time with Graphity
new process workflow

No accidental overwriting of other people’s edits – what a relief! Martin and his team experience less stress and get more done. Together.

But that’s not all: A handy layout preview lets the team easily choose the arrangement they want for each graph. And level-of-detail rendering improves the performance of larger diagrams.

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editor writing rights

A collaborative diagram is worth a thousand words! Weekly online meetings are much smoother now, and there’s plenty of time to exchange best practices and plan for a bright future.

Easy, intuitive, integrated. Graphity for Confluence.
See what it can do for you!

Collaboration in Action

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