
Collaborative Editing Server Setup

Quickly set up your own collaboration infrastructure on premise.

Quickstart Guide for hosting your own collaboration server instance

  1. Decide on infrastructure (standalone JAR, Docker image or Docker compose stack)
  2. Generate a collaboration server token in Graphity's admin page
  3. Deploy and start the server with the generated token
  4. Configure the server URL in Graphity's admin page
More Details


The collaboration feature requires a separate server application. For production use, we strongly recommend to host that server application yourself. Depending on your confluence platform and security requirements, several different configurations are possible. The server component is distributed in the following variants:


  • For the standalone JAR: Java 8 or newer
  • For the docker image or the compose stack: A working docker setup
  • Optionally: The ability to open custom ports
  • Optionally: SSL certificates if you need to provide a secure endpoint
  • Optionally: A reverse proxy solution that can proxy websockets (e.g. Apache, NGINX...)
  • The exact hardware requirements depend on the number of simultaneous sessions. For small deployments, a low-end virtual server with one CPU and 512 MB ram will be sufficient. The server doesn't persist any data and thus can also run in diskless environments.

Note that a secure endpoint is required if you use Confluence Cloud.

Enable collaboration step by step

  1. Decide on where to host the server and determine URL for the endpoint
  2. Generate a collaboration server token in the admin page of Graphity in Confluence
  3. Deploy and run the collaboration server with the generated token on the endpoint URL:
    • If you use Confluence for DataCenter or Server and you don't need a secure endpoint, follow the Setup without SSL
    • If you need a secure endpoint, follow the Setup with SSL. For Cloud, a secure endpoint is mandatory.
  4. Enable the feature in the admin page of Graphity
  5. Enter the endpoint URL to the running collaboration server
  6. Press 'Apply' to save the settings
  7. Page is reloaded and checks server reachability. If all is set up correctly, the indicator turns green.

Now the feature is enabled in Graphity. If multiple users edit the same diagram macro, collaboration starts automatically and is synchronized via the collaboration server.

Setup without SSL

In a setup without a secure endpoint, the Graphity client connects directly to a HTTP port on the collaboration server:

Configuration without SSL

In this setup, Graphity might be configured like this:

Client configuration without SSL
Option 1: Use our Docker image
docker run -e SERVER_TOKEN=<TOKEN> -p 9093:9093 -d --restart unless-stopped yworksgmbh/graphity-collaboration-server

The following environment variables are available. Only SERVER_TOKEN must be set.

SERVER_TOKENIdentification token from the Graphity admin pageYes
SERVER_PORTThe port of the endpoint9093No
SERVER_CONTEXTThe path component of the endpoint URL/graphity/rtcNo
LOGLEVELVerbosity of logging output.
Option 2: Use the standalone JAR
java -jar graphity-collaboration-server-1.0.0.jar -t <TOKEN>

The following commandline options are available:

-c,--context <CONTEXT>       The context URL the server will listen on. Default value is /graphity/rtc.
-disableClientVerification   Disable verification of incoming client connections.
-f,--propertyFile <FILE>     Property file for all command line arguments.
-h,--help                    Print usage.
-i,--interface <INTERFACE>   Interface or hostname the server should listen on.
                             If not set, the server listens on all interfaces.
-keystoreLocation <KEYSTORE> The path to the Java keystore containing the SSL certificates if SSL is enabled.
-keystorePassword <PASSWORD> The password for the Java keystore containing the SSL certificates if SSL is enabled.
-l,--logLevel <LOGLEVEL>     The log level. Default ist WARNING.
-p,--port <PORT>             The port the server will listen on. Default value is 9093.
-q,--quiet                   Hide startup messages.
-s,--useSSL                  Enable SSL for this server.
-t,--serverToken <TOKEN>     The unique token that allows to verify incoming client connections.

Finalize the setup in Graphity

Setup with SSL

If you need to provide a secure endpoint, you have these basic options:

  1. Terminate the SSL connection at an existing reverse proxy that communicates with the collaboration server unencrypted on the same machine or a secure network.
  2. Use our Docker compose stack which includes an SSL terminating proxy or create your own docker stack.
  3. Terminate the SSL connection directly at the collaboration server.

You can also combine these options if the proxy and the collaboration server need to communicate over an insecure network.

Option 1: Integration with an existing reverse proxy solution

In this setup, the Graphity client connects directly to a HTTPS port on the reverse proxy, which then communicates with the collaboration server:

Configuration with SSL and reverse proxy

In this setup, Graphity might be configured like this:

Client configuration with SSL and reverse proxy

First, set up the collaboration server without encryption, as described here: Setup without SSL

Then, configure the reverse proxy to forward requests to the collaboration server:

Sample setup for Apache 2.4:

You will need to enable the following Apache modules (if they are not already enabled):

  • mod_proxy
  • mod_proxy_http
  • proxy_wstunnel
  • mod_rewrite

In your virtual host definition, you need these directives:

ProxyRequests Off ProxyPreserveHost On

ProxyPass "/graphity/rtc" ""

<Location /graphity/rtc>
  Require all granted
  RewriteEngine on
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:UPGRADE} ^WebSocket$ [NC]
  RewriteCond %{HTTP:CONNECTION} Upgrade$ [NC]
  RewriteRule .* ws://{REQUEST_URI} [P]

Sample setup for NGINX:

location /graphity/rtc {
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Host $host;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-Server $host;
  proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for;
  proxy_pass http://localhost:9093//graphity/rtc;
  proxy_http_version 1.1;
  proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade;
  proxy_set_header Connection "Upgrade";
Option 2: Use our Docker compose stack

Clone our git repository:

git clone

Make necessary adjustments to docker-compose.yml. At the very least, you need to provide the correct server token and the hostname where the clients can reach the collaboration server.

Place the certificates in proxy/volumes/certs. They should be named <myserver>.crt for the certificate and <myserver>.key for the private key.

The proxy component of the stack is based on jwilder/nginx-proxy. Consult the documentation there for more advanced scenarios or if you want to create your own compose setup.

Start the stack:

docker-compose up
Option 3: Terminate the SSL connection at the collaboration server

In this setup, the Graphity client connects directly to a HTTPS port on the collaboration server:

Configuration with SSL

In this setup, Graphity might be configured like this:

Client configuration with SSL

First, you need to create a Java keystore containing the certificates. Please refer to the Java keytool documentation.

The resulting keystore must contain only one certificate pair, and you must use the same password for the private key and the store itself.

Run the collaboration server with SSL enabled:

java -jar graphity-collaboration-server-1.0.0.jar -t <TOKEN> -keystoreLocation myserver.keystore -keystorePassword changeit -s

(See all command line options here)

Finalize the setup in Graphity

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